Monday, February 28, 2011

Quiz 4 Blog

Often times, simply changing a color scheme or image orientation/size can speak volumes to an audience.  In my photograph, I took the innocent movie of Charlie St. Cloud and used the color scheme and design from the Chicago movie poster.  This works to convey a completely different meaning.  The red coloring is seen as somewhat of a devilish, horror movie…making it seem as though Charlie St. Cloud is the antagonist, when in reality he is the protagonist.  The target audience also changes from teenagers to young adults watching a horror, scary movie that could possibly have an R-rating as Chicago does (as opposed to the PG-13 rating of the original movie).  The images I chose also have to deal with conveying a different meaning.  I chose Charlie and his girl to be depicted with a white shadow to look innocent and almost angelic, while I depicted Sam in red to match the devilish appearance of the background image.  This creates a contrast between heaven and hell.  This ties in with the musical movie, Chicago, as it depicts women as being murderers and crude people, just as those one might see in hell.

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