Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog # 4

For my project, I chose the big idea of Identity.  I feel as though this is an idea that many of us struggle with in our day to day lives.  Personally, I have always been trying to figure out just exactly who I am.  What does my future look like?  What career will I have when I graduate from college?  Where will I end up through the course of my life?  All of these questions connect to my big idea of identity.  Who and what defines one's identity if any.  Along with identity comes many other smaller ideas that united together to form the big one.  They include: respect, values, morals, diversity, viewpoint, integrity, culture, honor, self-expression.  All of these work in defining the person that we are. I chose to reflect personal identity as not only is it something I often question, but I feel that many other people do as well.  It is a major part of our society now and it is pressing that we shed light on the issue.  We cannot be afraid to confront this issue of identity, for  “committing yourself is a way of finding out who you are. A man finds his identity by identifying.” (anonymous)
Hannah Hoch


Barbara Kruger

Technique I would like to employ: torn edges on photographs/collages


  1. Identity...such an interesting word. Although many people are exploring this idea including myself, this word allows for so many interpretations and spin offs. I like the pictures used and I also like how you have been exploring identity from what I have seen in your midterm and start of your final. We are all constantly trying to figure ourselves out and there are many artists who base their work off this idea. This allows for a great deal of reference material and a lot of help when thinking of ideas. Keep up the good work!

  2. By first seeing your working project first, and then Barbara Kruger, I feel like I can finally know her art better. But I really think it would be much cooler if the viewers have to think hard to get the text. But I really feel like the picture you used is well done. Really cool work.
