Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog # 5

My most significant accomplishment during this course would be blending within my artwork.  As seen by my first works, I had a lot of trouble with this technique, yet was able to use it to the best of my abilities in my final.  Also, I learned how to use animation in my final project and that helped to convey my meaning without me explicitely stating it. 
Once again, blending was a concept that I had many struggles with.  In my second quiz, I had a whole lot of trouble with it...yet in my final projects I was able to display it in a more blended, skillful way.

In my final project I chose to convey identity through the eyes of someone else, my best friend Alex.  I used insight from her life and experiences she has had to convey what she feels is identity.  However, in most of my other works I created artwork that display how I feel identity is reflected by myself.  In one of my midterm projects, I chose to do somewhat of an x-ray type of image that reflected what I felt my identity was.  This contrasts with what was done in my final project, however, I think it works to add more meaning to my pieces and add value to the artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I like how you mentioned the idea of blending as one of your biggest accomplishments. This can really make an image realistic and let it look much more professional. If images still have hard edges it looks very amateur, but considering we are all amateurs it's hard not too. Isaac also mentioned this as one of his best accomplishments. I think it's interesting that you both used this example. Next, I also used identity. Although it is common in the class-it can be pulled so many different ways and display so many different meanings. Great job this quarter and I really liked your final!
