Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blog Post #3

Kim Noble

This particular artist really stood out to me as she portrays all her  artwork from the view of a child.  Instead of taking an adult perspective, she realizes that children often see images and events in a different light and therefore she decides to represent their view in all of her artwork.  Noble has associative identity disorder, and therefore her work and personality coincide with my big idea of identity.  Throughout my life I have struggled with the idea of identity.  Which group do you identify with at school, what friends do you make, how do others in your community see you, do you identify with your certain culture even though it is frowned upon by many.  This issue, however, is not only faced by myself, but also by many children, teenagers, and adults all across the world.  We all struggle with issues of self-expression, working to identify just exactly who we are throughout our lives.  If we ever want to know more about who we are, to learn more about our identity, we need to look through other people's eyes, to step into their shoes and see what the world looks like from their perspective.  Kim Noble does this as she portrays the view of a child, naive without expectations about how the world should be.  Personally, I feel this is the best view to go from as children do not know about the evils of the world and therefore do not have a skewed perspective like adults have.

1 comment:

  1. Your right, identity is such a topic many people struggle with and everyone has at some point in their lives. This word and idea is so interesting because it can completely destroy someone or completely bring them to absolute happiness. If you can't find yourself, you have nothing. However, once you know who you really are, life is just beginning. This topic is super open ended so you can do so much with the big idea of identity. I'm very interested to see the rest!
