Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog # 5

My most significant accomplishment during this course would be blending within my artwork.  As seen by my first works, I had a lot of trouble with this technique, yet was able to use it to the best of my abilities in my final.  Also, I learned how to use animation in my final project and that helped to convey my meaning without me explicitely stating it. 
Once again, blending was a concept that I had many struggles with.  In my second quiz, I had a whole lot of trouble with it...yet in my final projects I was able to display it in a more blended, skillful way.

In my final project I chose to convey identity through the eyes of someone else, my best friend Alex.  I used insight from her life and experiences she has had to convey what she feels is identity.  However, in most of my other works I created artwork that display how I feel identity is reflected by myself.  In one of my midterm projects, I chose to do somewhat of an x-ray type of image that reflected what I felt my identity was.  This contrasts with what was done in my final project, however, I think it works to add more meaning to my pieces and add value to the artwork.

Final Project

For my project, I chose the big idea of Identity.  I feel as though this is an idea that many of us struggle with in our day to day lives.  Personally, I have always been trying to figure out just exactly who I am.  What does my future look like?  What career will I have when I graduate from college?  Where will I end up through the course of my life?  All of these questions connect to my big idea of identity.  Who and what defines one's identity if any. Along with identity comes many other smaller ideas that united together to form the big one.  They include: respect, values, morals, diversity, viewpoint, integrity, culture, honor, self-expression.  All of these work in defining the person that we are. I chose to reflect personal identity as not only is it something I often question, but I feel that many other people do as well.  It is a major part of our society now and it is pressing that we shed light on the issue.  For my final project, I portrayed my best friend alex in a piece of artwork that reflects aspects of her life.  The images deal with how she identifies with herself and how others see her.  The phrase, “everyone dies, but not everyone lives” coincides with the animation of the eye going from grey to turquoise as the image appears to come to life.  Alex frequently uses this quote to describe life and I feel as though it fits perfectly with my piece of art.  I am very happy I was able to share this art with those around me and convey the big idea of identity, and idea that we all struggle with everyday.  Wecannot be afraid to confront this issue of identity, for  “committing yourself is a way of finding out who you are. A man finds his identity by identifying.” (anonymous)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog # 4

For my project, I chose the big idea of Identity.  I feel as though this is an idea that many of us struggle with in our day to day lives.  Personally, I have always been trying to figure out just exactly who I am.  What does my future look like?  What career will I have when I graduate from college?  Where will I end up through the course of my life?  All of these questions connect to my big idea of identity.  Who and what defines one's identity if any.  Along with identity comes many other smaller ideas that united together to form the big one.  They include: respect, values, morals, diversity, viewpoint, integrity, culture, honor, self-expression.  All of these work in defining the person that we are. I chose to reflect personal identity as not only is it something I often question, but I feel that many other people do as well.  It is a major part of our society now and it is pressing that we shed light on the issue.  We cannot be afraid to confront this issue of identity, for  “committing yourself is a way of finding out who you are. A man finds his identity by identifying.” (anonymous)
Hannah Hoch


Barbara Kruger

Technique I would like to employ: torn edges on photographs/collages