Monday, January 24, 2011

Identity:  What is it?  Self-expression, value, culture, self-worth.  How do you describe identity?  It can mean a variety of things, depending on the person.  Is it what you think of yourself as being or does it deal with what others feel and think about you?  How do you portray yourselves to others or how do they feel that you display yourself?  If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
 -Chuck Palahniuk

Behavior:  How we act, our values, the way we respond to people and their ideas.  Does it deal with our accepting of others, their culture, their values.  Respect is a major theme displayed in people's behavior.  How does our behavior reflect who we are a a person?  What do others think about us because of our actions, including both physical and emotional interactions.

Values:  What determines a value? Just what exactly does the term reflect? Diversity, respect, culture, dignity?  What other words can coincide with such a powerful term?  Yes we all claim to have values, but what exactly are they?  They are different for every person ... dependent upon the lifestyle one lives, the way they were raised, where they live, the people they surround themselves with.  All values can be altered by one simple change in a person's life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog 1

Shepard Fairey
...changing the potrayal of images and moving us into a new era of art.

The most famous piece of artwork by Fairey is his Obama Hope poster using digital art.  It has changed not only the future of art...leading us into a more technological era, but it also has had an effect on American culture.  Although he is considered a "Street Artist", Fairey has proved to America that he is worthy of creating beautiful artwork.  Within his hope poster, one can think about a multitude of things.  The neutral, basic colors used in the poster show that the artist is more interested in conveying the message behind the poster than proving he is a talented artist.  Also, the simplicity of the word HOPE works to convey just what Obama wanted to bring to office and to the American people.  On more of a connotative note, the colors of red and blue used in the poster display both the Republican and Democratic party.  Obama was trying to unite the parties in HOPEs of making American a more united, together country.